Organic agriculture


Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people.
Organic certification must be carried in accordance with an applicable organic legislation (CE, NOP, JAS etc. ).
Organic agriculture is based on use of traditional methods.
Aromatic and medicinal plants: Rosemary, Myrtle, Thyme etc. grow spontaneously. These plants resist naturally to diseases and to very difficult climatic conditions. Consequently, conversion from conventional to organic production system is easy and done in a very short time.
The bigaradier is a robust tree, Biagardier resist to low temperature and to deseases. Consequently, conversion from conventional to organic production system is easy and done in a very short time. We have our own plantations. This, allow us to guarantee the full mastery of the entire organic production process.
SHEDAN essential oils and floral waters are certified by an internationally recognized certification body in accordance with European and American legislation.